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Proposed “Word Turbo” Tournaments

Word Turbo is a digital board game is 25 by 25 spaces with 300 letter tiles to make words on 625 squares, some of which have bonus points. Player with the most points wins the board. The players with highest point score are winners.  Each board can have up to 8 players. We encourage live face to face play to avoid concerns about cheating.

Our online ”Word Turbo” board, each member plays until all letter tiles have been exhausted.

Each letter awards a point score denoted on each letter tile. A tile space may be designated as a special bonus space. 

The Tournament Process

See the game “Rules” on another page.

Each player is allotted a total 2 minutes to play a word.

Main types of marketing amid branding.

Unlimited entry to free tournaments

Charitable and Non-profit organizations and individuals can use Word Turbo to raise funds for their cause.  We offer private branded fun word tournaments with a URL link and password.

A Charity can ask patrons to buy an tournament entry ticket with the Time and date for the tournament URL link and password. A charitable Word Turbo can have a company sponsor to create good citizen publicity.

Newlywed couples may build their funds with a bridal registry at Word Turbo tournament

College grads may want to travel as a reward for achievement.  The parents can offer patrons an opportunity to win a prize via the  Word Turbo Fundraising tournament. The remaining funds can be used for a travel reward.

Players are invited to our weekly brick and mortar tournament at the regional face-to-face Word Turbo tournament.

YouTube and Podcast audio interviews with players will be introduced through social media channels such as Facebook Live and Google Hangouts.

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